Admission & Fees

Parents are required to add their child’s name to the city-wide Centralized Waiting List for admittance to any child care centre within the City of Ottawa. Click here to go to the Centralized Waiting List web site.

It is a good idea to get your child’s name on the centralized waiting list well in advance of the time when you will require daycare. For example, many parents put their children’s names on the centralized waiting list when they are newborns, in anticipation of requiring child care after the maternity/parental leave runs out. The list allows parents to specify the month/year when care will be required, so it is never too early to add your child’s name.

In addition to putting your child’s name on the centralized list, we also encourage you to contact us and arrange a tour of our centre and make us aware that you are interested in finding a spot for your child.

The City of Ottawa provides subsidies to families who qualify for financial assistance. For more information on Child Care subsidies in the City of Ottawa, click here to visit the City of Ottawa child care subsidy web site.

2025 Child Care Fees

Our child care fees are capped at $22.00 a day per child enrolled at River Heights Children’s Centre. Please review our monthly fee schedule below.


Number of Days Monthly Fees
January 23 $506.00
February 20 $440.00
March 21 $462.00
April 22 $484.00
May 22 $484.00
June 21 $462.00
July 23 $506.00
August 21 $462.00
September 22 $484.00
October 23 $506.00
November 20 $440.00
December 23 $506.00